Swedish Knitblogger who loves spinning, knitting, dyeing and yarn. I will do some other roundabouts about life too.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Midsummer. Hope.

With patience wonderful Margret showed us the secrets of dying yarn and animal fibers. First step is to understand the basic colours. And there content. Like Ocra (yellow) has nickel in it (highly allergic for some) and that most dyes of this lot is actually food colouring (not harmless)... as a base. The great about the mixing here, is that you not only can mix 2 or three colours, but that you also have strength in % to think about. Check this next chart out, which has the same colours but in 0,1% and 2% (I think).
Check this out. You have three base colours, and you mix them 1 and 9, 2 and 8 etc..
There is also a smart system that tell you what the sample you are working on left, top right so how much of first, second and thid colour (sum always 10 when 1o shades!)
So you start and mix, and even if you only have very small samples (being very careful with measuring) it is still one hour. But the result, you can see our 5 gram yarn, that will go to several samples. Great. And, I might drop in some more about it. Maybe more pictures, but - Im back in "normal mode". It is midsummer in Sweden. Im feeling a bit better, had semi-good news about another job.. so, I will show off my dyinglot. (and yes, thanks again Margret for a great course!)

The final result is not so bad after all: In my Canadian Louis Bugnet rose you can see all my yarn. So, from the left, the Estonian mohair and wool (50/50% from Maria G), PS, the yarn contained dead hair! not great for colouring. In front the lime. The red is where I sneaked a bit of my cashmere into dear Tuulas dye. (she was very successful) And the lighter is Alpacka, the darker is the cashmere (glad I didn't unwind all of my dear cone. Well, it was a 3% dye, so it took well.. too well. No I will knit my way into midsummer!


Anonymous said...

Det verkar som om ni haft jättetrevligt och hunnit färga massor.

Blir nyfiken...vad menar du med att garnet innehåller dött hår? och vad gör det för färgningen. Har själv provfärgat garnet och tycker att det blev bra...


Garngamen said...

Hej Maria, Det verkar som dött hår inte tar upp färg. Det var Margret som visade och påpekade det. Men det var inga stora mängder. Och sådant hår stärker säkert sockan mot slitage. Nystanen svällde till det dubbla.

garnlek said...

Hej, Du verkar ha haft jättekul när du lärt dig att färga på proffsmanér. Jag fortsätter väl fuska med Zenit-färgerna eftersom jag har jätteburkar av dem. Tack för kommentarerna på min blogg. Blev nyfikan på vilken tidning du säger att du sett mig i. Mig veterligt är de flesta med bilder på mig en par år gamla. De som kommit i år är ngt större än frimärken.

HPNY KNITS said...

more great enticing photos! this looks like a very wonderful experience. and very summer like atmosphere.
and the fibers- alpaca, cashmere; how will they end up?