What is going on, this week just flew by. I have knitted 32 of 44 cm on the first sleeve (in 7 days) so I guess It is at least 1.5 weeks before the queen is finished. And, blush, thank you all for your nice comments, it really warms my heart to read them. And yes, it is March, and Im still on my first of the 12 sweater KAL (which is really 1 sweater a month KAL) that I sort of rename to better fit me. Anyhow, I have the intention to finish a lot more that 12 this year. (No, I will not get stressed!) So, I went to the yarn festival on Sunday, thank you all for worrying, but Im so much better now!) It was almost empty, and everyone said Saturday was overcrowded, so it as a good choice. (Yes, I will provide photos of more stash collection enhancements, but you have to wait until tomorrow.)
(Art is my great brother: Johan Mauritzon - Oil!)Anyhow, I just had a great High Noon Tea (I didn't know there was such a great place in Gamla Stan) that served Scones with clotted cream.... It was great. I actually have a yearning for real warm scones, so it is great I do not have to go to England to get them. Final picture, one of my Raku Tea jars (yepp a bit blurry=me without glasses).......
Anyhow, I have started a great fun project. A very creative knitting sweater in size 7mm needles with that thick silk-alpaca yarn. It is so fun, and just before I go to bed, I just do a few rows. Im knitting in "all directions" playing with the different colours, and pattern. Super-ultra modern. You will laugh! But again, It is really fun. I do a little piece, and the, just before falling asleep, Im thinking or dreaming of how I should make it and solve interesting problems. Ok. Outside it is spring (ha, just because it is warm.... we scream spring!) Now it is time to see what you are up to out there. Hugs and again, thank you for all your encouraging comments. I need them to finish the sleeves. The sleeves are the toughest for me..so now it is an endurance test to finish, and NOT start something else.
knitting in "all directions" playing with colours, and pattern-
that sounds very intriguing! hope you have some pix!
Keep on with the sleeves you have almost finished. Love the new yarn.
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