Swedish Knitblogger who loves spinning, knitting, dyeing and yarn. I will do some other roundabouts about life too.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Entrelac and Johan Mauritzson's Art!

So, this is the progress on my enterlac. I succeeded in finishing the neck, and I'm almost done with one sleeve. I do not want to work, I just want to knit! But it is a very time-consuming knit. You turn and turn and have to count stiches. And occasionally (like assembling the neck) was really tricky! It is a beautiful sunday, sun is shining, but still lots of snow, and ice.. but dripping. I just got the flash the work of my fantastic brother - a swedish artist - Johan Mauritzon (Käckelbäcksmon), artschool trained, teacher at an art school i Sundsvall (KOMS),with lots and lots of exhibitions behind. He is just fantastic, so you will definitely see some pictures of him. Do you like the horse mirror image in the lake. Also, these colours is just how I feel, blue and lime... I note some purple pink there...hmmm....I was really into horses when I was younger. Have had 4 of them. Three competion ponys, and one swedish halfblood. With mixed success. After 23 years of horses, I decided not to have stable boy's - (the horse was always my nr1 love), so I found my beloved instead (I do not regret it!) Another reason is - horse competions was all about having money ( buying great horses) - or getting lucky. I was neither!

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