Swedish Knitblogger who loves spinning, knitting, dyeing and yarn. I will do some other roundabouts about life too.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Fashionable or not?

Well, my new found NY-fab blog-friend claimed she is not exactly fashionable and gave me this great link of what REALLY is fashionable.. ! So now it is for true! I'm not. My scary age- - oopps, I'm already moving into 45 years ! but I hang out with students in their 20s mix....of enjoying the latest Harry Potter (just bought the DVD) that my husband and my workfriends totally "dissar "(swedish slang for reject) but moves my student pals to a discussion of how great Douglas Adams - "Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy" (remember the knit scene?) is...well confusing. So, how do I transend from being the management power lady (which at work undoubtly means Jacket! or suit!) to being a non-threatening "one of the gang" in a "not too expensive sweater" -hood? I'm just so out of fashion! I look trendier 25 years ago (check my schoolphoto - here!). Timeless! Purlneckless! ha. I still got the same leather boots. Had them on yesterday. So, what do one KNIT? A replica of Marvin? Well I am a fan of the hitch-hiker! Thinking about knitting the Mag-knits T-shirt with a big 42 on the belly! Will be great for my PhD! The answer of it all ;-) Secondly, I stare at this beautiful knit magazine, and the "latest trend" which is black with white and I saw some very few other colours. Having just finished skogsmörkret (bohus) in black, - it is HARD to knit black. White is great! and White looks great for patterns. Hmmm. All white yarn I have is BOUGHT is to be used FOR Dyeing. Hmmm.. So now I remember my white Cashmere yarn I bought in Dusseldorf - since I didnt like the colours they had..Project, Knitting project...But honestly I see my self very colourful. Working up energy for ORANGE and RED for this fall. Doing my automleaf sweater... or should I wait??
Like my brothers picture up there. So this is fashion from within - or do we create it? Do we follow others? Artists lead! Knitters are artists, hence what we knit is fashion (at least for us!). But fur brims? Well... hmmm that I need to ponder. This is my Raku-fired tea-pt I made some years ago...A tea, and doing some knitting is great for contemplating! No, I stick to my favorites, and I'm challenging, the lime, green, blue, purple,with more orange, pink and red..... but first, some real natural colours. Not fashionable - But happy! The birds are finally starting to celebrate spring!

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