Our wonderful cherry tree is in full bloom. My research paper is now on its way to the 12% acceptance cut, but hope is in the air. Thumbs up, Im better ;-) Started a series of knits, they are always lightweight in the beginning... so that would make the knit easy for the aching thumbs. This weekend Im going to take a break. Enjoy the wonderful life. The air smells fragrant. It is still just a bit cold, but in the sunny spots, yum.

Like this wonderful yarn, the new summer camisole (sommarlinne), by the norveigan Solveig Hisdahl, from the book Poetry of stitches. A great and easy knit. I love it already, it will be soft and smooth. Maybe a little grey, now when the colour is sparkling in the garden. It is the best yarn, Schappesilk from Solsilke. Her handdyed fab. Im so happy for all my flowers in the garden. What happiness there is, really, just here. The soft silk, the blue... the light is so wondeful.

I must say that the bamboo has a great feel too. This yarn was a treasure from Australia,a staple brand. I guess Im really into grey/yellow right now. And yeah, the wondefully faithful rhododendron, flowers twice a year. The pattern i th April sock, diagonal lace, a toe-up pattern... but I have just realized Im so much a top-down knitter. The pattern was easy, though, it is an easy knit.. but I need to find my shorter needles to get some speed. These flop around all the time. So, yes, Im still like a bumble bee where every knit is a flower, buzzing around! Wonderful. Bzz bzz on you too!