Ha! For the first time in the last 3 years I have been to a new city and entered 4! yarnshops NOT BUYING ANYTHING! I'm recovering from my yarnoholics.
Recovery medicine together with my first knitted gloves in Tvinni:
- Bring half your packing with the almost finished sweater and a stash of yarns
- Bring another smaller knitting too (TelemarkVott) below.
- Carry this heavy thing like a bad conscious, being busy all the time with no sleep (conference) really building your of "no time to knit" and "to much to carry/have" and it will never be finish
- Then, No money in wallet and a too hot sweater.
- Walk fast to Skövde centrum, and talking nicely with the yarnshops owner - avoiding to squeeze and feel yarn too long to design a project in your head!
- You are cured!

Any way, an ittybitty town of approx. 50 000 inhabitans (Skövde) have 4 active yarnshops. Someone must be knitting!!!! 2 shops had mainly acrylics, blends, babyknit.... 1 had the addition of Naturnära (no not the gotland shop, some farmer (could it be NATURNÄRA, ALINGSÅS, 031-23 00 41, 1437 ... PER G FODER & MASKIN AB, SKÖVDE)? , a local handdyed swedish woolyarn, very pretty, good colours, but only one batch each (was it 400 sek) for a full sweater (6 hg) which is a bit too little for me i believe. Also, It just felt a bit harsh against the skin, I guess I have been a bit spoiled with the anograblends. So, My grand finale was Ulla at Speciell. I was so wrong and behind. Now her bang was classy black to the blond. Always working hard and looking elegant, as her shop.
With Karin's machineknitted and Ullas assembly, a sight for sore eyes. Very sober, black grey, elegantly displayed, and we had a good chat, until I realize my researchpal Anders was waiting, and that last squeeze of the "out of this world" wonderful LIME Angora-merinoblend for 200sek for ONE YANK (100g I assume) ahhhh lush.... But I though of my yarnoholic pledge. Of-course, feeling and looking at her beautiful scarf (see it on her web) really made me weak in the knees, but I was soo hot, Anders was waiting, and I had to go...
So, I have mostly knitted, ripped up and reknitted my telemarksvott.
I'm back with the original pattern. It will be ok. Lots of room for embroydery!
Anyway, for your info: Läckö slott (Leakage castle ;-) had a Färgkraft exhibition. With sweaters and nice stuff. But no resale !!! (that, this time was ok, but still disappointed!!!) So, I had to think about my yarnstash of Färgkraft. Some lime, 2-ply, green, 2-ply, a wonderful 1-ply blue, mustard mix called "Tar" or "Tjära" and "Trollskog". Wonderful. And of course my UFO.. sigh. Maybe färgkraft and alpacka would be a good blend. Hmmm...