SIZE, I think the number one reason for moving on to something else, is when the knit becomes to big to squeeze in to a backpack with my computer. Most of my daily knitting is on the move (train, plane, car). Also, this "stopping moment" is usually around neckline, which is my second reason for stopping a knitting. I cannot decide to follow pattern (all this round necks) or re-work it to a V-shape, which is more flattering for my bodyshape, or maybe a hood, high neck etc etc...I always struggle with the right intake of sleeves, and how the shoulder should be (slanted, straight, raglan....). Next problem is sleeves. If I'm past T-shirt lenght, I will finish. (Often, I pick up the sleeve from sweater and knit down - like circular, but again. Size!!). Then it is "tricky section". Embroidery (like my Telemark mitten), lack of yarn (that IS tricky), or - need to frog it all (that really stops it), or a pattern (cable) solution, that is not completed..

In short: 1. Too big for travel. 2. Neck solution 3. Tricky decisions.
I have 4 knits here in the sofa right now (and 20 some WIP's upstrairs, 3 next room etc etc). My "just right now" is the cotton (5 year old), the Färgkraft Brioche one-thread, the Julia (Rowan) and my second splot-sock. Sigh... The sock travled today. Julia is still ok but waiting neck decision, Brioche and cotton too big. Decisions decision... Picture? WIP (not yet in that KAL) Circular Twisted float Vouge Sweater... (First sleeve needs to be frogged and reknitted, too big!)