I must admit that I was longing for knitting sweaters. But faced with the pile of UFO's and no real "new" knit... (Im still desperately trying to mix up Pashmina from the shrine with something) I resorted to the huge choice of socks (and my great books). In fact I needed something for my train-rides... so I realized, when I could choose myself - I LOVE knitting socks. Ok. It is in the open.. it all changed this last year of the sock. I luv the colours it is Lorna Lace's sockyarn and the plain Drops alpacka in blue. Why I have done like this is because the two hanks from Lorna was in different colour-baths, and it showed really bad. By mixing it up I get two different pairs. This is called Migration Socks and is the front cover of a great book Eclectic Sole - of socks....... But the original pattern is ment to be knitted from the toe up. Anyhow, I had already started (and now I have also ripped it up, the pattern is MUCH too tight!) and restarted. Well, this was on last weekends trip to Paris, so I did not bring the pattern. But this time I added 3(!!!) bubble = 18 stiches. Much better. Anyhow. I dear not to speak about the Copenhagen yarngalore: Summerfuglen was sort of restrained, just 3 hanks of Cashmere (Lotus -laceweight) and some Isager Twinni yarn in lime and one hank of Angora. But Bette Design - and the Henrichsen spun Nikolaj "USA" yarn. U = Ull (wool), S = Silke (Tussah Silke) and A = Angora. Say no more. It is the "best" yarn I have, lusturus, thin and beautiful. Also found my New Zealand Possum yarn (at Strikke.....) cannot remember shopname.. but just around the corner of Uldstedet - the latter where I went crazy on Twinni on sale! Ok. Still a yarnvulture! So This was Copenhagen. 4 Bags full. Can you imagine going to La Drougerie in Paris? Im saying ohh, ahhh... Ok.. more cashmere, buttons and some cotton in an overcrowded shop. They could triple their size. And this sock. A support on boring plane. Now knitted twice to the place at the picture.... I mean.... my real knits I cannot show since they are a secret ;-) Next week!! Next week! Hugs out there!