So my dear supervisor (who is a marathon runner/cross-country skier) has a sore overstrained foot. I knitted one sock urgently for my Dr Garngamen graduation party to heal. Here is number two. Great Lovikka yarn has great healing potential ;-) The real gift was the hat - made up with left-overs from my Bohus Forest Darkness - and some real wonderful cashmere/angora/fine merino blend.

It suited him great! At least it was super soft in luxury yarn. Ohh it feels good! Finally my PhD. How great to research. I am back here again. I have worked on gifts -and the "fall-hat" (to one person in the examination committee) is already wrapped in a package, so no picture (!). Sad...ah, well, I have to knit another one....Anyhow, I am now digging into the gift section - for all the people who have suppoerted me. So first and foremost is a sweater for hubby on its way. Long overdue. at least 200 hours to knit.. Which of course takes a few weeks even if you are at it. Well, I guess all my knits take "forever" right now... well... talking about gifts.. - I also got wonderful gifts - not to mention, Spamalot (theater), Spa-treatments (yiha), Lots of wonderful Choclates (yummy) and books, glasses and beautiful

flowers and champange ;-) Thank you all! And thank you too for this wonderful handdyed wool-yarn. I have absolutely no idea what to do - but this mix could be a good start for exotic mittens and socks!
Outside is actually late fall. Grey, damp. Definitely been frost - since all leafs are giving up in a last colour galore. And I am pruning trees, and picking fruit and... you know... lot of stuff has not been done for months....The only complaint I have is that the health serviced missed I had lyme-disease (for more than half a year)... that explains a lot of my fatigue..,,But I am recovering now. So, be patient with me. I will soon get all things going here... Blog - come alive! Sunday posting - I am back! Feels good. Now starts the rest of my life.