Swedish Knitblogger who loves spinning, knitting, dyeing and yarn. I will do some other roundabouts about life too.

Monday, July 16, 2007

London Yarn shopping (3) STASH!

Stash yarns is Fabulous. May be because it is filled with the luxurious quality hand-dyed yarn from the world (mostly US- Canada). You are so lucky over there. The prices are so way over any reason, it is crazy. 20 -25 pounds a hanl. But look at it. The first top is Camel-spun (camel yarn and silk), below is Sea-Cell and Silk - same colourway fron Hand-painted yarns from Canada. I have no idea what I can create of those cuddly beauties. But Im happy to have these GEM's in my Stash - from Stash! Below are the cashmere 4 ply, which I only could find two matching pairs of. So they have to be highlights. In fact, that is the only "complaint" I have. To few hanks in same colour - and the prize.But otherwise - a store made to dream about. I actually have been there before (see this old posting), and remakable enough, the store-owner recognized me. But who spends their entire travel-budget on yarn (and skips food?) A true yarn-vulture like me. Ok, the cashmere was to dream of. Then, last time, I bought this silk and mohair (one thread of each), which I just grabbed on hank of (enough for a shawl!) See how well it does next to the "Henri Martin Rose" in Dark burgundy?. Or does it do better next to "Giseland de Feligonde"? A musk-rose that flowers over and over. No, it is just one hank, and a photographer with time... un un-usual situation. The sunshine was great today. We had a quick visit to the very abandoned city. And after some knitting in the garden I had a go at the weeds again. Cooked some black-currant lemonade. And picked some dark cherries. They are great, and the tree is so full, we went over to all our neighbours and offered them some. Just open a Lindemans red to the great salad and steak. And now we are sipping it with some very dark Lindt Choclate. This is the best holiday ever. Knitting, good food and choclate! Anyhow, Stash made me very blue. I also got 3 balls of Fiddlesticks lace-spun in blue, and this last picture is filled with something that will also be a great quick-knit on the sea, a summer-top. Strange how colours affect you. But I guess Im feeling a bit blue for the moment. All winter - Im definitely green. And in fall, it is all about leaf-colour. Hmm. Is the first spring green LIME? When is then lilac? Of course the lst top is Lorna's Lace. Isn't it just yummy looking yarn? It posed well with the red-currant. I have 3 bushes of red-currant, which is enough to make so much lemonade I have to give it to my brother. I just hope I have time to pick it this year.
And sorry for not linking you up with Loop.
That was sloppy of me. Anyhow. So, ranking of Liberty, Loop and Stash? Easy. Stash has best colour-ways and best quality, but are not cheap. Loop has great bargains, and a clip-card for good customers and definitely a bunch of great yarns. Liberty has a complete Rowan-Jaeger stash, and some bargains. So, it is defintitly a tie. For lace knitters- Stash, otherwise Loop. Eh, you get the picture. You must see them all. 4 hours would give you enough time and 3 hours is a bit tight! London shopping is almost as good as Stockholm ;-) But I think it is natural. What you do not have - you crave for. Now I got to finish something for tomorrows posting (ha, it might takesome more days....)


Anonymous said...

Wow, det var många vackra garnköp du har gjort. Håller med om att garn från Handmaiden och Lorna's Laces är dyra, men de är supervackra och faktiskt inte dyrare i Sverige heller än från något annat ställe i Europa ;-)
Ha en skön sommar!

Annelie said...

Åh, vilka godsaker! Man blir ju alldeles till sig. ;-)
Dottern såg bilderna när jag satt här och läste och stelnade till alldeles. "Wow!", sa hon sen. När jag undrade vad hon menade mumlade hon något, alldeles blank i ögonen, och pekade på den tredje bilden. Jag är en mycket stolt moder!