Swedish Knitblogger who loves spinning, knitting, dyeing and yarn. I will do some other roundabouts about life too.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Grisselholmen and sailknits

What a weekend. We took our lovely boat out for the first sleep-over in new islands. The sun was shining, and the wheather report was wrong about the wind direction (it turned the wrong way in the night!). So we were weaking up 7.00 sharp by one of our ties, had loosened up to from the cliffs. Well, lets just sum the ordeal up with my beloved took a dip in the very ice-cold water. And we got sunburned, and I have been knitting like a frantic. Great sailing home, but now both of us just fell asleep for hours in the sofa (it is a big one). So, now Julia knitting has reached 40cm, and should be parted into back and front (sleeves starting). And - we are one experience richer. It is cold in the sea in Sweden beginning of June, and do not trust the weather report- Tie good - And - if you only have one knit with you - bring the pattern along ;-) I'll return with some fresh pictures and more progress. But the sofa is still floating. (A common aftermath of being at sea!)


HPNY KNITS said...

sounds like a challenge on the boat.
"...if you only have one knit with you - bring the pattern along ;-) ..."
hahaha, i have done that, forgot a pattern! tried calling a friend to see if she can find it for me online and tell it to me, but she was not home

Garngamen said...

Hi my friend, yep, definitely a challenge ;-) To forget your pattern is particularly irritating when the knit serves as a nervpill..So, it is good to have two, where the second is "no pattern"...