Swedish Knitblogger who loves spinning, knitting, dyeing and yarn. I will do some other roundabouts about life too.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Technologie Licentiate...

A fantastic day! Great party, and all went well. People are so nice to me. Great day, and great view from the resturant at that top of the high-rise (floor 23). Now, exhasuted, and still with a cold....I have landed. Big celebrations are a almost unreal - It is so intense! And my dear brother, and dear cousin, and monther, and aunt and of course, and my beloved husband (also sick) but a trouper, who dragged refreshments and nibbles to get everyone feel fab, (including me). Well - now it is time to "take care of the rest of my life". It has just started. And the first thing I saw was that my latest paper got rejected. Ups and downs. Life in a nutshell. Well, get well is high on the list. Then we will see. Like the two-end knitted mitten with embroyderi?
I have no recollection from where I have spotted it. But I think either Norway or a museum...(Dalarna?). Take care.


Ulla said...


Anonymous said...

Grattis till lic:en. Starkt jobbat!

Zoe's Knitting Bag said...

Sorry to hear about the paper. Get well soon and "speak" next year.

gail said...

Congratulations and wonderful party!! I've heard of many papers being rejected in lots of different scientific areas. Did you get some good reviewer comments? Can you re-edit the paper and resubmit? Submit to another journal? Ah, the woes of an academic's life and the unfairness of the publication game. It's hard not to be discouraged, but keep up the good spirit!

BertandFelix said...

Congrats on your party!

Get well!! I know I have had this nasty cold for some time too.

Anonymous said...

Många gratulationer till Lic:en :-) och krya på dig

Cecilia N said...

Stort grattis till licen!

Jag tror att du håller alldeles för högt tempo för att din kropp ska kunna utföra nån sorts motståndsarbete mot smittor.

Dra ner tempot rejält, ät och sov ordentligt så blir du bättre även på längre sikt.